Soaking in a Dose of Nature’s Magic: A Walk in the Desert
It always amazes me how much there is to discover in a given place. Sometimes during this desert wandering session, I would look out and notice how dry and barren certain places appeared at first glance, but always, when I looked a little closer--a little deeper--I...

Drawn to the Ocean
It's been a few months now since this trip to the coast of California, but that familiar pull to return to the ocean has been visiting me lately. Since I couldn't answer the call right away, I settled for digging into this old footage to keep the memory fresh. This...

Nature’s Subtle Changes: A February Moment in the Desert
Although it isn't quite spring here in the desert, I took some time during my hike to look a little closer at some of the the ways that Nature is preparing. It's always an interesting experience to see some of these things in their more sublte and less obvious...

Relationship Advice From a Campfire: Learning to Love Your Inner Self
I was working on editing this clip as part of an upcoming video, but the uncut footage of the fire building seemed to have its own message to share, so I decided to give it its own video. Our inner self—our soul—whatever you want to call it—is often neglected and...

Watching the Desert Prepare for Starlight
Nature often goes about its business in such a quiet way that it's easy to fall into the habit of viewing it simply as a backdrop to our everyday lives--but it's far more than that.