Spring in the desert has made foraging for edible plants a lot easier. Sudden lightning storms, however, have a way of slowing the process down. I couldn’t have asked for a better day after having been stuck indoors for longer than I like.

I had set out with the idea of doing some light foraging for edible plants, but more importantly, to simply spend some time in Nature and search for that connection I sometimes feel. Not only did gathering wild food help me to feel that connection, but I found it in the wild, raw nature of the storm as well.

I was able to forage a pretty good variety of plants during this trip. I found wild lettuce, miner’s lettuce, pepper grass, blue dicks, prickly pear cactus pad, and thistle root during this trip.

Keep an eye out for the follow-up video as I prepare a meal with the plants I foraged during this trip.