WILD STILLNESS is my first book, but it won’t be my last. The time I spend with Nature is part of an ongoing journey for me, and I don’t pretend to be making anything more than a blundering mess of the process, but the value I’ve discovered along the way is undeniable. This is why I’ve chosen to share my experiences.

If you’ve followed my Adventure Ryan YouTube channel over the years, you might find some parts of this book familiar. Writing, however, has allowed me to dive a little deeper into some of the thoughts and feelings that don’t always make it through the camera lens, and it’s my hope that by sharing this side of the adventure, that those who read will be able to do so as part of their own experience and journey.


WILD STILLNESS is available on Amazon:
For U.S., go to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087L31GXW
For U.K., go to https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B087L31GXW
(Available in paperback and ebook)